3M is continuing to address the COVID-19 pandemic with many tactics to help protect those responding to the outbreak, including healthcare workers and first responders. In early April, 3M reached agreement with the U.S. government on a plan that, with the Trump Administration’s assistance, will enable FEMA to import 166.5 million respirators into the United States over a 3-month period starting in April, from our plants in Asia.
The Food and Drug Administration requires this information be made available to everyone who has received these respirators.
Protection comes in a lot of languages, but in any language, when you choose 3M, you can be sure it was made to help protect you.
No entity other than FEMA is directly acquiring these models from 3M and distributing them in the United States.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is importing the following models of 3M respirators from Asia: 9010, 9010CN, 9132, 9542, 9542V, 9552, 9502, 9502+, 9502V+, 9541, 9541V, 9501, 9501V+, 9501+ 9505+, 9002, and 9001. These products will be distributed by FEMA, free of charge, to the entities they determine need them the most. If the respirator is one of the model numbers above and has been distributed for free and can be traced to a FEMA source of supply, it is more likely to be an authentic product.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has determined certain approvals from other countries are similar to the N95 because they have similar levels of filtration and assigned protection factors of 10. KN95 is one of the approvals that the CDC has determined is similar to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) N95.
Although KN90 respirators have an assigned protection factor of 10 in China, they are not considered similar to N95 because the filter efficiency is at least 90%, rather than at least 95%.
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) respiratory protection standards mandate that individuals using new respirator models receive training and a fit test prior to the first time they use a respirator. In addition, individuals should read and follow all user instructions, including conducting a user seal check every time they put on a respirator.
Respirator fit testing resources can be found on the 3M website.