person in medical examination with medical professional

Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 Outbreak

3M Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Considerations

The COVID-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020.

The symptoms of the illness associated with this novel coronavirus are similar to those caused by influenza and other respiratory illnesses and include coughing, shortness of breath, fever, and difficulty breathing. In many countries, COVID-19 is considered to be a high-risk workplace hazard for healthcare workers in a variety of fields and specializations. The WHO and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recommended airborne precautions for healthcare workers for certain interactions with patients with suspected or known cases of COVID-19.

3M is committed to supporting the public health and government response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 3M has ramped up production at its manufacturing facilities around the world – and continues to do so further – and is working with customers, distributors, government and medical officials to help get supplies to where they are most needed.

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General Respiratory Information

3M Respirators in International Packaging Made Available in US during COVID-19

3M Respirators in International Packaging Made Available in US during COVID-19
  • 3M respirator fit test video
    3M Fit Testing Video
  • 3M Health Care respirator fit test video
    3M Fit Testing Video (Healthcare)


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  • Read the 3M response to the Covid-19 crisis
    Helping the World respond to Covid-19

    In this crisis, 3M is experiencing unprecedented demand for respirators.

    3M is partnering with other companies on a range of innovative solutions to protect healthcare workers and first responders.

  • Ford PAPR

    Ford - with consulting support from 3M - has developed a unique powered-air purifying respirator (PAPR) for use in reducing exposure to airborne particles.

  • Airlift

    In early April, 3M reached agreement with the U.S. government on a plan that will enable FEMA to import 166.5 million respirators into the United States over a 3-month period starting in April, from our plants in Asia.

  • Information for 3M Medical products
    Supporting Health Care Providers

    Every day, health care workers on the front lines put themselves at risk to ensure others are cared for. 3M Medical offers resources and information to help protect providers and patients, especially during this challenging time.