Solar panels

Collaborating on solutions for a better world

Great brands are based on an enduring idea that drives their purpose

At 3M, asking "what if" is our way of life. We are a company rooted in scientific exploration and discovery. We believe that every problem has a solution. All our businesses are connected by our fundamental strengths- Technology, Manufacturing, Global Capabilities, and Brand- which allow us to invent, build, and sell products across our vast global network.

Research & Development(US,English) is our heartbeat. We continue to invest in scientific research and product development in close partnership with our customers and the marketplace.

Sustainability Value Commitment

  • At the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP24) (US,English), 3M announced it will require a Sustainability Value Commitment be included for all new products introduced beginning in 2019.

    Examples of a Sustainability Value Commitment for new products include:

    • Reusability
    • Recyclability
    • Energy, waste, or water savings
    • Responsible sourcing
    • Renewable materials

    This commitment also includes products with a core purpose of helping to solve an environmental or social challenge, such as improving air quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving worker and patient safety in healthcare and industrial settings.

    3M will measure the progress and impact of this commitment and report on it annually.

Featured Sustainable Solutions

  • Scrub sponges that scrub out waste.  That’s because a recent 3M innovation has made it possible for us to begin making the green scrubbing fibers from 100 percent recycled content (including an average of 35 percent post-consumer recycled content). 

Unique and differentiated value; solutions, by 3M business group

The power of 3M is in the way we connect our fundamental strengths to customers. Those strengths are our capabilities and brand. They define us as an enterprise and combine to build a business greater than the sum of its parts. The power of 3M arose from our deep understanding of what it is that differentiates us in our performance, across every business in our enterprise. It truly reflects how we’re linked together in our portfolio even though we might operate in multiple markets. It’s about our technology, but not just standalone science: It’s technology supported by deep intellectual property and combined with multiple other technologies to enable us to do unique things with and for our customers.

  • Helping health care professionals prevent complications and improve patient outcomes.

  • Advancing safety, enhancing environments, improving lives.

  • Bringing 3M to the hearts and minds of customers.