Scours 2-4 times faster than conventional commercial scouring pads, and is 6-1 times less abrasive than other conventional commerical scouring pads
Fiber: durable synthetic fibers that are crimped and heat set to create strong web
Scouring Particles: unique soil-removing particles for effective scouring, cleaning, and scrubbing. Particles are evenly distributed throughout the pad to ensure effective, consistent scouring, and lasting performance throughout the life of the pad
Resin: high quality bonding resin system designed to provide resistance to degradation from exposure to hot water, detergents and normal cleaning liquids
Scours 2-4 times faster than conventional commercial scouring pads, and is 6-10 times less abrasive than other medium/heavy-duty commercial scouring products to reduce scratching. Unique bow-tie shape.