Data from 13,254 patients in 1,117 ICUs in 90 countries found a 59% prevalence rate of ICU-acquired pressure injury²
Pressure injuries can develop within six hours of sustained loading³
Hospital mortality rate for patients with an ICU-acquired pressure injury was found to be 22.5%²
When information and recommendations are changing rapidly, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest guidelines. 3M can be an extension of your team and help deepen your facility’s expertise through professional training and educational resources designed to meet your facility’s unique challenges.
In 2019, the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) worked with nearly 200 academic and clinical experts in the study of pressure injuries to publish international guidelines⁴ outlining assessment and education recommendations and prevention and treatment protocols, including the ideal characteristics of product solutions.
We want to help you adopt recommendations for both the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries. 3M has a breadth of versatile solutions, backed by patient-centered science, including skin protection, advanced wound care dressings and negative pressure wound therapy.
Plus, when you work with 3M, you have access to the education and training needed to support evidence-based standards and to implement safe, efficient and effective solutions for a pressure injury program.
Solutions to Help Protect Against Pressure Injury
Consider using negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) as an early adjunct therapy for reducing the size and depth of Stage 3 and 4 pressure injuries. NPWT has been used as a first-line treatment for wounds that could achieve benefit. While it did not originate for the treatment of pressure injuries, there is a growing body of evidence that supports NPWT use for pressure injury treatment.⁴
If the goals of NPWT have been met or an alternative is desired, advanced wound dressings that promote moist wound healing require less frequent dressing changes, making them a cost-effective option for pressure injury treatment.⁴
Keep up with the latest guidelines and deepen your team's expertise through training and education designed for your facility's unique challenges.
1. Health Research & Educational Trust (2016, January). Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers (HAPU) Change Package: 2016 Update. Chicago, IL: Health Research & Educational Trust. Accessed at
2. Labeau SO, et al. Prevalence, associated factors and outcomes of pressure injuries in adult intensive care unit patients: the DecubICUs study. Intensive Care Med. 2020 Oct 9. doi: 10.1007/s00134-020-06234-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33034686.
3. Gefen A (2008) How much time does it take to get a pressure ulcer? Integrated evidence from human, animal, and in vitro studies. Ostomy Wound Manag 54:26–28, 30‑25
4. European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Quick Reference Guide. Emily Haesler (Ed.).EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA:2019
5. National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel. 2014 Guidelines. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: A Clinical Guide. Accessed at
6. Demarre L et al. (2015). Factors predicting the development of pressure ulcers in an at-risk population who receive standardized preventive care: secondary analyses of a multicentre randomised controlled trial. J Adv Nurs., 71(2):391-403.
7. 3M data on file. LAB-05-385368.
8. 3M data on file. EM-05-291517.
9. Sieracki J, Wilkes R, Bennett E R, et al. (September 24, 2020) Finite Element Analysis Modeling of a Novel Silicone Dressing. Cureus 12(9): e10629. DOI 10.7759/cureus.10629
10. Gabriel A, Camardo M, O’Rorke E, Gold R, Kim PJ. . Effects of Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy With Instillation versus Standard of Care in Multiple Wound Types. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2021;147(1S-1):68S–76S. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000007614.
11. Kharkar, P, PhD. Assessment of a Novel Drape Containing Acrylic and Silicone-based Adhesives When Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. Presented at SAWC Fall 2019, October 12-14, 2019, Las Vegas, NV 2019.
12. Lemire JA, Kalan L, Gugala N, Bradu A, Turner RJ. Silver oxynitrate - an efficacious compound for the prevention and eradication of dual-species biofilms. Biofouling 2017;33(6):460-469. doi:10.1080/08927014.2017.132258
13. Crawford Healthcare. Evaluation of KerraCel Ag and Aquacel Ag Extra to sequester bacteria. February 28, 2017. CHC R543.
14. Cullen et al. A protease activity model to evaluate therapies in vitro. Poster presented at: European Wound Management Association (EWMA) 2012 Conference; May 23-25,2012; Vienna, AT.